Monday, 8 November 2010

My waning willpower!

I haven't fallen off the wagon totally yet but I can feel myself slipping.

I want fish and chips!

I want a full English breakfast!

I want to eat until I'm stuffed and can't move!

I want crisps, chocolate, hot sweet milky coffee!

I want cake!

I just want to totally pig out on all the wrong foods but I know I will regret it. I'll feel all guilty and ashamed of myself. Probably feel sick and awful too.

How do I get over it??? HEEEELLLLPPPPPP!


  1. Get out. Go and do something different. Have a hot drink. Keep moving until the craving passes.

    You're doing so well. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Kirsty. I've been getting stuck in and having a de-clutter of my house. We'll both be looking better if I keep it up ;)
